Course Information

It has been estimated that 30% to 80% of all resumes/applications contain false information. References either do not have or are reluctant to share employment information for fear of slander/libel suit. Drug testing is easy to defeat by temporary abstinence, polygraphs are already illegal for the private sector and psychological tests are banned in several states with federal legislation pending. Record checks are limited to those information needs for which records exist - often not the case with many critical information needs.

Yet, in this age of negligent hiring/retention litigation, greater acountability and extended post-hire training, the need for accurate hiring information - at a reasonable cost - has never been greater.


how to recognize the signs of verbal, vocal, and visual behavior occurring during selection interviews as they relate to the widespread problems of exaggeration, fabrication, minimization, omission, and deceptive denials.


interviewing techniques that encourage accurate information particularly when the applicant perceives that candor could lead to disqualification.


the ability to discuss critical but sensitive topics (dismissals, integrity, substance abuse, etc.) in ways that do not offend or alienate candidates.


selection time and costs while improving the quality of information necessary to make accurate hiring decisions.

Biographical Data • Employment history including discipline • Military history including discipline • Educational history including certification • Driving History • Position specific skills • Knowledge, abilities and experience

Relocation attitude and commitments • Shift requirements and commitments • Service orientation • Conflicts of interest • Permancy and retention

Integrity • Drug abuse • Alcohol abuse • Excessive force/violence • Perjury/falsification of official or company reports • Bribes • Gratuities • Kickbacks • Child/patient abuse